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AI Research


The Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services (MCCSS) in Ontario provided funding for a research study into potential applications of Artificial Intelligence within Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Information and Referral (I&R) lines.
Findhelp collaborated with our GBV partners in Ontario and I&R partners internationally to look at current applications, perceived risks, opportunities, and ethical considerations.
The study consisted of a review of literature and research to understand current context as well as interviews, focus groups and a survey.

Research Questions

1. What AI and automation technologies are currently being used or have potential use in help line service provision?

2. How can AI technologies improve the efficiency and effectiveness of help lines in terms of data management, service delivery, and administrative tasks?

3. What are the perceived risks and opportunities of AI integration from the perspective of stakeholders, including service users, staff, and management?

4. What technical, ethical, and cultural considerations need to be addressed when implementing AI in help lines serving diverse and vulnerable populations?


 General sense of optimism that AI can streamline operations and augment but not replace human service delivery across various service systems (GBV helplines, I&R provision)
AI applications identified opportunities in a variety of functions including back office, mid office, front office and access channels
Recommended guidelines created
     ○ Develop Ethical AI Frameworks
     ○ Prioritize Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity
     ○ Implement Continuous Stakeholder Engagement
     ○ Pursue Collaborative Pilot Projects
     ○ Invest in Staff Training & Support; Harmonize AI in Labor Relations
     ○ Invest in AI Tools and Organizational Capacity to Acquire/Deploy/Manage


● The GBV and I&R sector is shown to be very aware of the potential of AI, both opportunities and risks
● Positions the sector ahead of potential government and private sector pressure to implement AI as we are already showing great knowledge, collaboration, information and ability
● Key considerations and recommendations have been created that can be used with government, stakeholders and others for advocacy when looking at implementing AI
● Provides the research evidence to put people first and at the centre of all AI discussions

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